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x - ForMilx - x

Don't say me thank you .
For What I do .
Because you know I love you .

You're my bestfriend actually my bestsister. :)
You're alaways here.
I wasn't for you everytime .
But when i can to help you , you know i do . ♥
I wanna say something important !
That's what i don't feel to everyone from here.
i don't feel this to nobody.
only for you . ♥
when i'm not on computer , i'm sad . ♥
my heart is really sad and this makes me feel so #strangee . ♥
it's like i know you from 100 years ago .
it's like i know you in the real life . -
i don't know why but i know that it's true. ♥
i'm not joking here .
i say only the truth .
i love you so much . (: my first girl from #deget . (:
believe me . when someone [ from the real life ] ask me about my friends from here.
you're the first one (:
& than DeDa , Mozz' :]
Dacey & moree . '
Why are you like that .
Why you make me love you like i love my sister ?

Comments • 3

DyAnna 6 September 2011  
ToxxicLov3 2 September 2011  
Nice from your part :Xx
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